Part-time Lecturers/Teachers/Tutors for academic year of 24/25

26 July 2024 MEH Tech Support

Mesarya Education House

is seeking to appoint part-time Lecturers/Teachers/Tutors for academic year of 24/25

Teachers / Tutors of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Business Studies, Economics, Society & Politics, International Relations, Sociology, English Academic Purposes, Government & Politics.

Reports to : Academic Manager

Annual leave : 26 days

Start date : 1st August 2024

Experience : min. 3 years

Education : Bachelor’s / Masters or higher

Working Hours : Only Afternoon

Location : Nicosia, Northern Cyprus

Salary : Competitive Remuneration Package

Class start date : 6th October, 2024

Role description

To teach on the NCUK International Foundation programme which is equivalent to A-level programme to small groups of international students.

Duties and responsibilities

  • To teach your subject at NCUK International Foundation programme which is equivalent to A-level programme to small groups of international students
  • To ensure that all lessons are planned with clear aims and learning objectives
  • To ensure that all lessons are delivered in line with the departmental schemes of work and school policies
  • To take into account the differing ability lessons of students and differentiate work accordingly
  • To take into account and be sensitive to the language and cultural challenges students may face
  • To encourage all students to become independent learners and be actively engaged in their own learning
  • To ensure that all students are known by name and that the classroom atmosphere is positive at all times
  • To check that all subject matter is effectively communicated and understood by all groups of students
  • To keep careful records of student progress in line with departmental and school policy
  • To ensure that there is a high standard of display work in the classroom, which is changed frequently
  • To supervise the students’ laboratory work and guide them during experiments
  • To keep work areas tidy and well organised
  • To collect samples, set up scientific apparatus, and do calculations
  • To attend meetings in the Academic Department
  • To make a positive contribution to the efficient running of the Department, including setting and marking examinations, attending departmental meetings, and undertaking administrative and other tasks as delegated by the Director of Academic Programmes
  • To enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the Academic Department and through sharing resources and good practice, lesson observation, and collaborative teaching
  • To safeguard and promote the welfare of students
  • To support the school’s aims and objectives for teaching and learning

Person specification

MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate:

  • Excellent academic qualifications (preferably with QTS status) and subject knowledge
  • Be adept at producing and sharing teaching resources
  • Be capable of delivering dynamic and effective lessons to the full age and ability range of students
  • Be an innovative classroom teacher capable of helping to develop a syllabus that brings your subject to life for our students
  • Have highly effective communication skills for dealing with international students

How to apply

To apply for this position please send your CV and a covering letter to: or Apply for this job

Applications should be made:  International August, 2024

Domestic September, 2024

Interviews will commence:  as soon as application has been received and considered

Key Responsibilities:

Professional values and practice

All Mesarya Education House teachers/tutors are required to have high expectations of all students; respect their social, cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic backgrounds; and be committed to raising their educational achievement.

Teachers/Tutors are expected to:

– treat students consistently, with respect and consideration, and be concerned for their development as learners;

– demonstrate and promote the positive values, attitudes and behaviour that they expect from their students;

– communicate sensitively and effectively with parents, carers, agents and other interested parties; recognising their role in students’ learning, and their rights, responsibilities and interests;

– contribute to, and share responsibility in the corporate life of Mesarya Education House;

– understand the contribution that support staff and other professionals make to teaching and learning;

– improve their own teaching, by evaluating it, learning from the effective practice of others and from evidence;

– be motivated and able to take increasing responsibility for their own professional development;

– be aware of, and work within, the statutory frameworks relating to teachers’/ tutors’ responsibilities;

– be familiar with and adhere to Mesarya Education House’s policy documents;

– dress in a professional manner to reflect an awareness of their roles as teachers/tutors working with young adults in a mixed gender and multi-faith

Mesarya Education House;

– set excellent standards of punctuality, speech and manner.

– Attendance at pre-arranged staff meetings is compulsory for all teachers/tutors.

Knowledge and understanding

Tutors are required to have a secure knowledge and understanding of their specialist subject which should be at a standard equivalent to at least degree level.

Teacher/Tutors should:

– be aware of expectations, typical curricula and teaching arrangements;

– understand how student learning can be affected by their physical, intellectual, linguistic, social, cultural and emotional development and have a range of strategies to provide and offer support as necessary;

– know how to use ICT effectively, both to teach their subject and to support their wider professional role;

– know a range of strategies to promote good behaviour and establish a purposeful learning environment;

– be committed to continually refreshing their knowledge and understanding of the specifications, examination and coursework procedures for their subject;

– ensure that after any in-service training, whether through the Mesarya Education House or through attendance at external events, they incorporate the knowledge gained into their teaching.

Teaching: planning

Tutors are required to set challenging teaching and learning objectives that are relevant to all students in their classes, based on their knowledge of students past and current achievements, expected standards for their age range and academic level and targets set out in students’ individual learning objectives.

Teachers/Tutors are expected to:

– use these teaching and learning objectives to plan lessons, and sequences of lessons, showing how they will assess students’ learning;

– select and prepare resources, and plan for their safe and effective organisation, taking account of students’ interests and their language and cultural backgrounds;

– take part in, and contribute to, teaching teams, as appropriate to Mesarya Education House;

– plan opportunities for students to learn in out-of-Mesarya Education House contexts, such as visits, museums, theatres and field-work with the help of other staff where appropriate.

All teachers/tutors are responsible for the complete, sufficiently detailed and timely delivery of the subject syllabus. A scheme of work is essential for this activity and may be completed in cooperation with other NCUK delivery centres.

All teachers/tutors are responsible for the complete and timely delivery of all subject coursework, and will contribute towards a complete set of course notes for each student. These course notes will be syllabus specific and sufficiently detailed so as to provide a valuable source of reference for the student throughout the course. The inclusion of worked examples and essay plans is recommended, although in some subjects it is recognised that this may not be appropriate.

Through close liaison with the Centre Head, teachers/tutors should ensure that their course is adequately resourced.

Late enrolments

It is anticipated that a number of students will enrol after the beginning of the academic term and official course start date. Collectively we must ensure that these individuals are made welcome at Mesarya Education House and that their integration into Mesarya Education House life is problem free.

Subject teachers/tutors may be requiring devising a scheme of work to ensure that the student catches up on the material already missed.

Teachers/Tutors will ensure that the student receives a complete set of notes on those topics already covered.

Any tests, which the other students in the group may have already taken, should be taken by late enrolments over an appropriate period of time.

When parents or guardians wish to contact a tutor, regarding the progress of student, the tutor should make suitable arrangements to do so. In addition, if a tutor wishes to discuss with the parents or guardians any aspect of a student’s progress, then they should do so but in liaison with the Centre Head.

Teaching: Monitoring and assessment


High levels of attendance are essential for students to fully engage in their learning and achieve their academic targets and in order to comply with UK Border Agency regulation. All tutors will be required to record the attendance of each student at the beginning of each class.

Teachers/Tutors should remind students of the need to forewarn the MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE of any intended absences in good time and the adherence to the MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE policy regarding absences as identified in the student and staff handbooks.

Where a student has failed to report for class and has not forewarned the MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE, the subject teacher/tutor will inform the administrator who will ensure that the student’s parents or guardians are contacted to ascertain if the absence is for a good reason.


Teachers/Tutors are required to make appropriate use of a range of monitoring and assessment strategies to evaluate students’ progress towards planned learning objectives, and use this information to improve their own planning and teaching.

Teachers/Tutors will need to monitor and assess as they teach, giving immediate and constructive feedback to support students as they learn. They involve students in reflecting on, evaluating and improving their own performance.

The regular testing programme at MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE has a high priority in the organisation of a sound, comprehensive work programme for the students. Teachers/Tutors should assist students as much as possible, both in making special preparations for tests and in analysing the results, providing constructive feedback and, where necessary, preparing appropriate follow-up work. Further information regarding the testing schedule can be found in the relevant section of “Academic Monitoring Procedures” in the staff handbook.

Teachers/Tutors will be able to:

– assess students’ progress accurately using, as relevant, assessment objectives, band descriptors and grade descriptors from Awarding Bodies and National Frameworks;

– identify and support more able students, those who are working below expectations, those who are failing to achieve their potential in learning, and those who experience behavioural, emotional and social difficulties;

– with the help of the EFL (English Foreign Language) department, identify the levels of attainment of students learning English as an additional language. They begin to analyse the language demands and learning activities in order to provide cognitive challenge as well as language support;

– record students’ progress and achievements systematically to provide evidence of the range of their work, progress and attainment over time. They use this to help students review their own progress and to inform planning in line with the Personal Progress Plans;

– use records as a basis for reporting on students’ attainment and progress orally and in writing, concisely, informatively and accurately for Centre Management, parents and students.

We expect a great deal from our students in the way of social and academic development.

To this end, if any aspect of a student’s position gives cause for concern and after employing a variety of strategies to improve the student’s position, then tutors should report in the first instance (dependent upon strength of concerns) their concerns to the Centre Head.

Teaching: Class Management

MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE teachers/tutors have high expectations of students and are able to build successful relationships, centred on teaching and learning. They establish a purposeful learning environment where diversity is valued and where students feel secure and confident.

A programme of classroom observation (peer is in place to help monitor and support them in their day-to-day teaching and to establish opportunities for professional development.

Teachers/Tutors will be expected to teach their specialist subject(s) competently and independently using the relevant specification and MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE’ Schemes of Work, and to teach clearly structured lessons or sequences of work which interest and motivate students.

Such lessons should:

– make learning objectives and the relevance to examination criteria clear to students

– employ interactive teaching methods and collaborative group work

– promote active and independent learning that enables students to think for themselves, and to plan and manage their own learning.

Teachers/Tutors are required to organise and manage teaching and learning time, the physical teaching space, tools, materials, texts and other resources safely and effectively.

The use of ICT is encouraged and tutors should have experience of using ICT effectively in their teaching.

All classes should set expectations for students’ behaviour and establish a clear framework for classroom discipline to anticipate and manage behaviour constructively, and promote self-control and independence.

Teachers/Tutors should be able to recognise and respond effectively to equal opportunities issues as they arise in the classroom, including by challenging stereotyped views, and by challenging bullying or harassment, following relevant policies and procedures.

Antisocial behaviour, which is to the detriment of the progress of other students or to the good name of the MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE, will not be tolerated.

In the first instance, the subject tutor should deal with problems within the classroom, which can be resolved immediately, in a professional manner. Above all else, the problem must be eradicated and the teacher/tutor should make every effort to ensure that neither their working relationship with the student nor group cohesion suffers.

If a problem cannot be resolved by the subject teacher/tutor, then he/she must refer the matter to the Centre Head for support.

Homework and other out-of-class work should be set in accordance with MESARYA EDUCATION HOUSE policy, to consolidate and extend work carried out in the class and encourage students to learn independently.

Homework should be constructive, have well-defined objectives and should be marked with summarised and formative comments. Homework should be returned by the next lesson to the student.

All Teachers/Tutors will:

  • Treat students with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect;
  • Have regard for the need to safeguard students’ well-being;
  • Show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others;
  • Help to create and maintain a safe working environment for everyone;

Personal Specification

1. Educated to degree (honours) or equivalent qualification (Essential).

2. Academic or English Language Teaching qualification at graduate or equivalent level (Desirable).

3. Relevant teaching experience (Essential).

4. An understanding of UK higher education and the needs and requirements of international students (Essential).

5. Direct experience of further and higher education in an international context (Desirable).

6. An understanding and appreciation of private sector education (Desirable).

Skills (Essential)

1. Demonstrate cross-cultural awareness and understanding.

2. A record of achievement in teaching (academic or English language).

3. Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills including native speaker fluency in English.

4. Competence in the effective use of Information Communications Technologies (ICT), particularly Microsoft Excel.

5. A record of attention to detail, thoroughness and fairness.

6. The ability to prioritise, meet deadlines and work under pressure.


1. Outward looking and student sympathetic.

2. A willingness to learn, improve personal teaching effectiveness where appropriate and an ability to adapt.

3. Practical with high integrity, honesty and ethical standards.

4. Enthusiastic and committed with a positive attitude.