NCUK Student Testimonials
to various types of cultures and enabled me to become more
BA (Hons) Communications and Media
opportunities toxexcel andachieve what I have today. It is a
journey which sets you out on a new yet rewarding path.
Truly a life changing experience„
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
with Industrial Experience
that we had back in Colombia were amazing and now
I feel confident with my communication skills„
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Theoretical Physics
environment, and the most helpful part was learning to control and
manage my learning by myself„
BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science with a year in Industry
weaknesses. For example, I had a lecturer who told me I was a very
practical learner, something that I didn’t realise about myself
BSc (Hons) Music Technology
fascinating and all my teachers were British and friendly,
which really helped me to improve my English language skills„
MA Intercultural Communication
abroad which has made me more independent. Meeting people from
different countries and learning about their cultures helped me enjoy
this experience„
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
with Business Management and Accounting
achievement. Studying with NCUK was a unique life experience
that makes me feel lucky„
BA (Hons) Interior Design
NCUK results, this opened doors for a whole new
my riad of opportunities, beginning with university„
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering